Our awesome marketing team works hard to craft emails to reach our customers and create special seasonal sales events to drive excitement about your fonts on Myfonts.com. They may reach out to you when they are planning for an upcoming event to request your permission to discount one or more of your fonts for a limited time. They'll email you from our primary address, foundrysupport@monotype.com. When you agree to be a part of a sale, our marketing team will create the promotion for your fonts for you. Often they will upload specialized imagery to match the event.
Please make sure there is no discount on that particular font family for the same time frame as the event.
This causes issues when our team sets up the event.
- If you have your own discount on your font that overlaps with the special event dates, please edit the promotion dates so that your font is not discounted for that time period and the marketing team can create the special promotion. Once the special event is over, you can resume your original discount.
- When our team goes in to set up the discounts and your family still has a discount that overlaps with the special event time period, your original discount will be deleted in order for the special event discount to be added.
Please do not modify anything about your families in advance of the sale.
Your fonts were selected based on the pricing, fonts, and imagery visible on your family page, and discounts are strategized based on these factors to optimize the sale. Changing this will impact the success of the sale.
- Don't change the prices of your fonts before the special event occurs. Importantly, this violates our 45-day rule.
- Please do not add any new styles to the family once you have confirmed being part of the event. If you are planning to add new styles, please just let the marketing team know when you confirm your participation so they can factor this into their planning.
- You may do an update to fix any bug fixes in font files at any time.
- You may update the description or tags to improve them or fix errors.
Please keep in mind the discount and pricing rules for promotions.