What are color fonts?
A color font is a font file that contains additional embedded data to show more graphic properties (like color or texture!) than traditional black and white paths. Color fonts generally contain SVG data inside OpenType font files, and thus have the SVG OTF format. Read more about color fonts on colorfonts.wtf.
How does it work on MyFonts?
You can offer color fonts to customers in the SVG OTF format on MyFonts. Fonts must be smaller than 8MB in size. Color fonts are displayed in black and white, not color, in the font previews. Your fonts must contain black and white 'backup' data to be sold; this allows them to appear black and white in the preview in Foundry Platform and on the sites. We recommend creating marketing images to show off the colors in the image carousel on the family page, and provide info and instructions telling customers how to use them in your description. For example, you can add links in your family description to instruction PDFs.
Keep it simple!
Please think very carefully about your strategy when selling color fonts. We recommend keeping your buying choices simple - this means simple pricing and not too many sub-family packs. Why? Color font technology is fairly new and niche; most customers may not have heard of this or know how to use it. Introducing customers to this new technology will add an additional level of complexity to an already complex purchase.
How do I add color fonts?
Feel free to upload your color fonts just like regular fonts using the Foundry Platform.