Font bundles are a special product category on MyFonts comprised of fonts from different families from the same foundry or multiple foundries. Bundles allow foundries to further merchandise their fonts to reach customers in a compelling new way.
Foundries on the latest agreement can create and manage bundles in their Foundry Platform account.
Bundle basics.
Where are bundles located?
Font bundles are showcased on the MyFonts Bundles page. Additionally, bundles are displayed in the middle position of the rotating carousel on the MyFonts home page. The bundles rotate in and out of these slots at random.
Can bundles be created by any foundry?
One of the many perks of the Foundry Program is access to create bundles. Sign the latest agreement to access bundles and other Foundry Program benefits.
Can bundles contain fonts from multiple foundries?
Yes, a foundry user with access to multiple foundries in their Foundry Platform account can create a bundle with fonts from any foundry. Keep in mind that only fonts from foundries on the latest agreement can be included in bundles.
Is there a limit the number of bundles that can be live at any one time per foundry?
Yes, one foundry can have five (5) simultaneously active bundles.
If a bundle contains fonts from multiple foundries, the bundle will count as one bundle for each foundry.
Will the Monotype marketing team review every bundle submitted?
No, but marketing reserves the right to deactivate if there are quality concerns. The Foundry Support team will notify the foundry by email if a bundle was deactivated.
What is a good pricing strategy for bundles?
We've seen that bundles comprised of 35-50 fonts priced at $49, $99, or $199 price points work well.
Curating bundles.
What kinds of fonts should be included in a bundle?
Think of bundles as a playlist you curate from your library. Choose fonts that work well together, fit a certain theme, or build a “starter pack” of your most popular fonts. For example, do you have a collection of similar display styles, like “retro” or “handwriting script”?
If you want to market to a publication, select a variety of fonts that would work well together as a headline (display), subhead (display), body copy (text, regular, italics, bold), and caption (micro) in a layout. Create imagery to showcase how well the fonts complement each other in a layout.
{Pair well known font with a new font to increase visibility for new font}
However you build your bundle, make sure it is visually compelling and gives potential customers a reason to investigate further. Take a look at how the existing bundles from other foundries are designed and structured for ideas on building your own.
I submitted a bundle but it’s not visible on MyFonts yet.
After submitting a bundle, it takes approximately six (6) hours for the request to be processed by our system.
Marketing and promoting bundles.
Do I have to upload imagery for my bundle?
Yes, good imagery is key to a successful bundle. Bundles without compelling imagery will not perform well.
However you build your bundle, make sure it is visually compelling and gives potential customers a reason to investigate further. Take a look at how the existing bundles from other foundries are designed and structured for ideas on building your own.
Upload a minimum of three (3) and maximum 15 gallery images to your bundle. The first image will be the cover image on MyFonts.
Can I change the order of images?
Yes, click and drag the image to change the order the images appear on MyFonts. The first image will be your cover image.
What are the criteria for bundle and inspiration gallery images?
We recommend not making a grid of posters of all the fonts in your bundle. This ends up looking lower quality. Bundles should be a strategic curated list of fonts that go together around a specific theme, so we recommend making a set of thematic images showing the fonts used together.
- Do not include prices. Customers will see prices in their local currency for many locations.
- Text in images will not be translated.
- Quantity: 3 min – 15 max images
- Resolution: 1440 x 720 pixels
- Ratio: Must be 2:1
- Size: 8 MB max
- File types: PNG, JPEG
Expired bundles.
Do bundles expire on MyFonts?
Yes, the bundle will automatically be deactivated after 60 days.
Can a bundle be re-activated after the initial 60 days has expired on MyFonts?
Yes, a foundry can reactivate the bundle 60 days after expiration.